Justin and Ashley Guest are preparing to serve in Roatan, Honduras with their sons Micah and Isaiah. The community where they will serve, Punta Gorda, is affected by broken families, promiscuity, drugs, and a lack of God's direction. Approximately 1 in 4 people in the community have contracted HIV/AIDS. The community was formed in 1797 when approximately 2000 slaves were left on the island by the British. They settled on the island and the Garifuna people are there to this day with their own language and culture. They planned to combat these problems by training churches and community leaders to help reach children and give them better options. Raising support to renovate a building into a community center which can serve as an alternative option to the streets and as an outreach opportunity. Through the center, they plan to offer discipleship, mentoring, homework help, computer and English classes as well as a refuge to escape and be safe.
About our Missionaries

First Month
When they first visited the island, a boy named Ever started coming to the house daily to play with the Guest’s kids. After a few weeks the boy asked Justin how many kids he had. Confused he answered, “just the two you’ve been playing with every day.” Ever seemed confused and asked Ashley how many children she has. Ashley replied, “Just Micah and Isaiah”. Ever scrunched his face together and asked, “You only have two with Justin, but how many other children do you have with other men.” He was shocked to learned they only had two children and even more astounded when he found out they had been together, faithfully, for ten years. The problems in the community had grown so commonplace that it was shocking to see a unified marriage.